So we’re coming up fast on 2024 SaaStr Annual — Sep 10-12 in SF Bay Area in our 40+ Acre Indoor-Outdoor campus:

Grab 20% OFF the final tickets here.

It’s early, but we can see some trends in terms of the most popular sessions .. so far:

#1: “Klaviyo: The Secrets to Winning with 200,000 SMBs (and More) with Klaviyo’s CEO and SaaStr’s Founder & CEO

We’ve been super fans of Klaviyo and CEO Andrew Bialecki for years at SaaStr and Andrew and Jason will do a deep dive on how to get to almost $1B in ARR selling to SMBs, and more.  Klaviyo is just one of 3 SaaS IPOs since 2021!

#2. “How to Build a Category Defining Gen AI Company and Scale from 0 to 100 with Cohere’s former VP of Marketing

This should be a fun session on the top demand gen and marketing lessons from Cohere.

#3: “Lessons from the Field: How to Leverage Pricing and Packaging to Drive Growth, Revenue and Profit with Miro, Splunk, Loom, and OpenAI

A truly all-star session on pricing and packaging!

#4: “What’s Really Working in B2B AI: 5 Things That Are Actually Working and 5 Things That Aren’t in SaaS AI with Ironclad’s CEO

Legal is one of the areas that has exploded in innovation with AI.  Ironclad is already at nine-figures in ARR and early to AI.  An honest deep dive on what works — and what doesn’t really work — in adding AI to SaaS.

#5: “Transitioning from Sales-Led to Product-Led Growth and Scaling to $100M ARR with’s Co-founder and CEO

Apollo has exploded into one of the fastest growing sales and data vendors.  A deep dive on the SLG / PLG motion from founder-CEO Tim Zheng.

And some of the most popular Workshops and Super Braindates so far:

#1.  “Tips for Driving GRR Turnaround” with Coursera’s Senior Director of CS, Brad Lawrence.

Job #1 for many of in SaaS today!

#2:  “Enterprise Product Management:  How To Think and Deliver Like a Product Leader” with Rubrik’s Senior Director of Product, Kanija Thapara

Rubrik is just one of three SaaS IPOs since 2021.  Learn how they really ship enterprise-grade products.

#3: “How to Win Over Procurement and Buyers to Meet Your ARR and GRR Goals” with Talkdesk’s Head of Global Procurement, Zai Mohammed

A top, undiscussed topic.  How the heck to get something through procurement.

#4:  “Building the Future:  My Top Takeaways From 90 Days as Freshworks’ VP of AI” with Freshworks’ VP & GM AI Labs, Benjamin Wesson

The real, honest learnings of adding AI to a Cloud leader.

#5.  “The Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Lead Generation” with One Paper Lane’s CRO Jerry Dimos

What we all need! 🙂

And 100s more like this!!

That’s just a start!  We’ll have 100s of sessions, braindates, workshops, AMAs and mentorship sessions!  Check out the agenda here.

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